Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day 35

I have been feeling very sad this weekend.  Sad that this process is drawing to a close.  Sad that I have been less successful that I would have hoped in doing my daily yoga and meditations.  Sad that I beat up on myself so much for my 'failings'.  Sad because I don't think I have had any major revolutions.  Sad because Brad just told me the football season is halfway over!!

I hate posting about the things that have been bumming me out - I don't want to be too much of a Debbie Downer  - and really I think this depression is an important part of the process.  I need not resist the bad feelings just because they are unpleasant.  I need to keep accepting where I am without judgment and listen to why I am resisting growth and joy in my life.  So I am going to post five things that have made me happy during this process to balance the above mentioned sad things . . .

1.  My arms are clearly getting stronger from all the yoga, as I can now do several high-to-low push ups.
2.  I have been good at getting to yoga at the studio, even when it means I miss football.  I have gone four times every week for the last three weeks!
3.  I have had, when I decide to be present in my life, much more energy.  I am beginning to realize when I am being an ostrich and am just avoiding things and pretending they will go away.
4.  I have grown to really like fruit (which I have never really been a big fan of before) and am much better at incorporating it into my daily diet.
5.  Both the Vikings and the Panthers won their games today; and while I missed the ends of both games because I went to yoga, I have a great husband and a wonderful DVR to keep me up to speed on these things.

Hopefully sleep will help improve my mood tomorrow too!!


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